Sublette County
Sexual Assault and Family Violence
Task Force
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Quickly exit the site if in danger
Please review safety tips.
Pinedale Office: 253 N. Sublette
PO Box 1236
Big Piney Office: 415 Budd Ave
(307) 276-3975
24-Hour Helpline
Technology Safety
Thank you for your patience as we create more content.
The SAFV Staff
Technology Safety
Use a safe computer, such as a public one at a library.
Create a new e-mail account. Use an anonymous name and account. Do not provide detailed information about yourself.
Change all passwords. Avoid obvious ones or ones that your abuser may be able to guess.
Check your settings on social networking sites, such as Facebook. Don’t post personal information about yourself. Think about what you’re “sharing.”
Use a donated or new cell phone– phone bills and call logs may reveal your plans to an abuser.
Block your number (*67).
Be cautious when giving out personal information. Try to never give out your true residential address.
Minimize use of cordless phones or baby monitors.
Do internet searches on yourself to see what information is out there and available.
Trust your instincts. If you suspect your abuser knows too much, it is possible that your phone, computer, e-mail, and other activities are being monitored.
Talk to an advocate who can additionally assist you with safety planning.